
Service: Countryside and Leisure

Teams: Manor Pavilion, Thelma Hulbert Gallery and WildEastDevon

Processing activity: Maintaining customer mailing lists

The Data Controller

East Devon District Council’s Leisure and Countryside Service

Address: Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton, EX14 1EJ.

Contactable by emailing or by calling 01404 515616.

The Data Controller’s Representative

Service Lead, Countryside and Leisure

Contactable by emailing or by calling 01404 515616.

The Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer

Contactable by emailing or by calling 01404 515616.

Obtaining your personal information

Your details will have been provided by you when you signed up to receive email updates from the respective team. The personal details that we hold will consist of your name and email address.

Use of your personal information

We are using your personal information for the purpose of providing you with information about the Manor Pavilion Theatre, Thelma Hulbert Gallery and/or WildEastDevon, and on the basis of your consent to be on respective mailing lists.

Who will receive or see my personal information?

Your personal information will be available to be seen by those within the Manor Pavilion, Thelma Hulbert Gallery and WildEastDevon in order that they can provide you with relevant communications and identify your contact preferences.

Your personal information will be stored securely within Spektrix: Box Office & Theatre Ticketing Software and used as part of customer mailing lists, which are processed using Spektrix’s partner Dotdigital: Customer Engagement Platform to facilitate the creation and sending of mailings for which you have provided your consent.

Spektrix and Dotdigital are provided on a Software as a Service (SaaS) basis and assume the role as Data Processors, who act on the instructions of their clients (EDDC), who are Data Controllers, when processing data.

The Spektrix system and EDDC’s database of customer data are stored on Microsoft Azure, in data centres that are located withing the EEA and UK. Data will only ever be transferred between the UK and EEA as part of providing their services, unless EDDC instruct them to do otherwise. More information can be found at Spektrix Data Storage and Processing Locations.

Dotdigital is a third-party system that is integrated into Spektrix to provide mailing functionality, data will be shared with them to provide services for which you have provided your consent.

Dotdigital uses Microsoft Azure North and West Europe facilities, and Google’s Europe region for the Google Cloud Platform to host infrastructure and power their SaaS platform, and safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. More information can be found at Dotdigital Trust Center.

Information may  be shared with partner agencies during safeguarding investigations and for fraud identification and prevention.

Your personal information will be stored securely and will not be accessible to anyone else, including other services within the Council, unless detailed above. 


All your personal information will be held by us only for as long as is necessary and then in accordance with any legal requirements imposed upon us and the Council’s retention schedule. For more information please go to our website to view our Retention schedule.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by using the ‘Unsubscribe’ link found at the bottom of relevant emails, using ‘Edit Contact Preferences’ by logging into your Spektrix account or by contacting

Transferring personal information outside of the EU

Your personal information will not be transferred outside the EU or to any international organisations by the Council. It should be noted that the Council has no control over those accessing its online public registers nor what someone does with any information they obtain from them.

Your rights

Whatever our use of your personal information you have the right of access to that personal information (this means confirmation that we are using your personal information, access to it as well as other detail) and the right to seek rectification if the information is inaccurate.

Because we are using your information on the basis of your consent then you also have the right to withdraw consent and to have your personal data erased.

Also, if you object to our use of your personal information and there is no overriding legitimate interest for us to continue using it or we have used your personal information unlawfully or it is no longer necessary for us to have the personal information, the right to erasure is also available to you.

Details on each of these rights and to how you exercise can be found on our website in the Your Rights pages.


If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has used your personal information then you may wish in the first instance to make a complaint to the Data Protection Officer. This can be done by;

Writing to: Data Protection Officer, Information and Complaints, East Devon District Council, Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton, EX14 1EJ.

You can also email: or call 01395 517417.

Alternatively, or if you remain dissatisfied following your complaint to the Data Protection Officer, you may lodge a complaint with The Information Commissioner. The Information Commissioner is the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights. The ICO can help and advise you on all matters relating to data protection.

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Tel: 0303 123 1113
